WHAT IS TERM LIFE INSURANCE - Term life insurance
by definition is that insurance coverage for a period of time in specific. One
of the biggest advantages of such plans is that they are more affordable than
other types of insurance. However, most insurance companies allow conversion
from term life insurance plans to permanent life insurance plans, and in
general without the need of insurability evidence.
With a term life insurance plan, the beneficiary receives a death benefit in case of the death of the insured in due time. There are several reasons as to why term life insurance plan is essential. Unfortunately, we have to think of what would happen in the event of our demise. Most things refer to financial matters. By having a term life insurance plan, we may guarantee that our family will be less occupied by concerns with such difficult moment. It’s a perfect way to ensure dues of your mortgage, for instance. Not to mention other issues such as funeral expenses that always represent a problem for the whole family. College education is also something to remember when buying a term life insurance plan.

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